Network Uptime
is Trailhead's uptime?
Trailhead's uptime averages more than 99.9% month.
Uptime Guarantee
Trailhead Web Hosting offers a 99.9% uptime guarantee. A service will be generally available to the internet - Isolated ISP or transit outages are out of our control and not covered by this Service Level Agreement. This Service Level Agreement includes both unscheduled maintenance windows within our networks and data center. Upon request Trailhead Web Hosting will credit 50% of your fee if we are responsible for an outage resulting in an uptime less then 99.9% for a calendar month. Trailhead Web Hosting will credit 100% of your fee if we are responsible for an outage resulting in an uptime less then 99% for a calendar month.
Please note - Scheduled Maintenance Windows and Control Panel Service is exempt from any uptime Service Level Agreement as our control panel service is isolated from our other services and typically we will take the control panel offline while performing major system upgrades (however, other core services will not be affected).
Data Center & Network
web servers are housed in a world-class data
center operated by The
Planet, in Dallas, Texas, with
a direct connection to eleven Internet backbones.
a Virtual Tour | Data Center Photos
The Planet currently owns and operates two
state-of-the-art data centers, offering
complete redundancy in power, HVAC, fire suppression, network
connectivity, and security. With over 53,000 sq ft of raised
floor between the two facilities, The Planet has an offering
to fit any need. The datacenter facility sits atop
multiple power grids driven by TXU electric, with PowerWare
UPS battery backup power and dual diesel generators onsite.
Our HVAC systems are condenser units by Data Aire to provide
redundancy in cooling coupled with ten managed backbone
providers. Twelve more third party backbone providers are
available in the building via cross connect. Fire suppression
includes a pre-action dry pipe system including VESDA (Very
Early Smoke Detection Apparatus) with over 700 smoke detectors
between the two facilities. |